Any advice!?


So I've got a pretty irregular cycle. I wasnt keeping up with my cycles for awhile but I know I always waited forever in between cycles. Well the last 6-8 month my SO and I have been TTC, so I've been tracking.

I usually have anywhere from 38-45 day cycles, and bleed the full 7-8 days. Still getting the hang of <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> (thinking about starting ovulation kit).

My period in may came the usual 45 days after the last and I had a fairly normal period. Well, I started bleeding june 11th and it only lasted about 4 days (which would only make it a 21 day cycle) and I'm not sure weather to consider it a period.. considering how light it was and I had no cramping (normally get lots of cramps with AF)

If it was a period should I expect my next period the norm 38-45 days later or should I expect a shorter 21 day cycle?