NEW UPDATE 7/21/18: My husband physically attacked me today

🌻JoJo🌻 • Pregnant with #1🤰🏻• Baby J due June 2019 💕

I now understand why God has been holding off on answering my prayer of conceiving a child....😔

My husband finally physically assaulted me after years of verbal and emotional abuse and has lighting. He snapped this morning and flew off the couch onto me in my chair across from him, shoved his hand into my left eye, almost breaking my glasses which he threw across the room. Then he wrapped his hands around my neck and started shoving me down into the chair saying if don’t stop talking to him that way and disrespecting him he’s going to kill me. I started screaming for him to get off of me and managed to get out from under him. I told him I was going to call the cops, he said “For what? I didn’t hit you. We’re both going to jail if you do.” I said no, you attacked me, I didn’t touch you. Then he said “We’ll we can fix that” or something, and grabbed my phone and tried to leave. I started trying to get it back from him and he grabbed me and threw me across the room into the floor. Then he chunked my phone across the street into the bushes and drove off. I found my phone, called my dad, then called then sheriff, spent about an hour on the phone with dispatch telling them everything....and now here I am telling you guys.

I’ve felt so much the past few hours. I felt numb to start with and then I’m emotional and crying then I’m happy again bc he’s locked up, then I cry some more because this happened to me. He thought he was being smart, he didn’t leave any real marks on me or anything, but I’m not going to not do anything. He attacked me plain and simple.

I’m at a DV shelter. He’s currently in custody as I type this. He was pulled over by California Highway Patrol, driving on a suspended license in my truck and he had an unregistered, loaded, fire arm with him in the vehicle. They’re going to serve him with an emergency protective order as well as some sort of criminal protective order while they have him locked up in jail. Which means even if he gets out tomorrow, if he tries to contact me in ANY way, shape, or form, he’s back in trouble. Everyone has been very kind and helpful. CHP came and stayed at the house with me until the sheriffs office could get there. They were very serious and took a detailed reports. Even though he barely left any physical evidence on me they are pressing charges bc he did factually attack me. No one is making me feel like I did the wrong thing or over reacted. They’re taking this all very seriously. The deputy made sure that they left my truck locked on the side of the road and didn’t impound it. That way I can go get it tomorrow and start making plans to drive cross country to my parents.

Please never be afraid to stand up for yourself. You don’t need a black eye or a bloody jaw to get help. Also if anyone ever tries to stop you from calling the police when you feel threatened, that is a crime! Report it! My soon to be ex husband is probably getting an extra charge on top of everything else bc he tried to run off with my phone when I said I was calling the police.

Please be safe ladies. If anyone of you needs someone to talk to, I’m always here.💕

UPDATE: First, thank you all for the support and love. 💜💜

Second, to everyone messaging me and asking what *I did* to make my husband snap...

Lol I don’t care if I told him he smells like a gorilla and his face looks like my dogs asshole. NOBODY has a right to jump on top of me, smash their open hand into my face, rip my glasses off, wrap his (or her) hands around my neck, or throw me on the ground.

But basically all I said to him before he attacked me was that we need to talk about what each other wants in this marriage and that we needed to talk about what he really wants. My husband has a history of violence with past gf’s but it was back when he was a heavy drug user/drinker. He was very sweet and loving and seemed like he had made a full recovery but the past year or so have proven otherwise. This isn’t the first time Ive left. Last time was after he screamed at me for over 20 hours on the way home from a road trip, threatening to hit me, saying everyone including my parents would say it’s justified. Why was he so mad you ask? Because I forgot to remind him to get high, literally. I left and he promised to go to counseling, therapy, blahblah. And like most women in abusive relationships, I stupidly went back. As soon as I got back his demeanor changed. He wasn’t going to counseling, there was nothing wrong with him, etc.

We were doing ok up until the past few days. His temper seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. Literally anything I said the past few days seemed to be able to put him off in a mood. And no I’m not a nag or anything. I’m a very low key submissive person who rarely stands up for herself. So no, I didn’t say or do anything to deserve this if that’s what some of you are wondering. I never touched him or threatened him in any way.

And to give a little insight into the kind of person my husband has been, here are some screenshots of texts he’s sent me the past 24 hrs.

***I removed the screenshots for my own safety to avoid possible identification. Sorry for any inconvenience!**

Aaaand right after he sent that last text was about the time CHP pulled him over and found an unregistered loaded pistol in the vehicle. He was headed back to me, where I was. He was 15 minutes from the house when they got him. Luckily at that point I was already riding with the sheriff to the domestic violence center.

But yeah. So I’m at a safe house. He’s in jail until Friday unless he can make bail. I have an emergency order of protection and he can’t come within 100 yds of me or contact me in any way.

I’ll update when I have more news.

7/21/18 UPDATE:

Well it just keeps getting better and better. I spoke to the DA’s office yesterday (his court day was 7/20/18, I’m just up really late and now it’s 2am the next day). Here’s the breakdown.

He is currently STILL IN JAIL. 🙌

Bail is set, 65k. 💰

My permanent Criminal Protective Order was filed and granted by the judge. 📜🖋🙅🏻‍♀️ (I know it’s just a piece of paper but it’s a start)

He’s been charged with 2 felonies and 1 misdemeanor, as follows:

Count 1. Felony- Inflicting Corporal Punishment On Spouse (felony domestic violence charge)

Count 2. Felony- Unlawful Threat

Count 3. Misdemeanor- This one had a long name but the DA’s secretary told me it’s basically malicious intent to prevent a victim from calling 911. Since he grabbed my phone and tried to leave with my it when I said I was calling the cops.

Oh. Also....this is great. He was driving on a suspended license in the truck that’s registered to ME when he got pulled over. So instead of impounding it, the cops were nice enough to leave it locked on the side of the road for me and had the keys waiting for me at the station. Why is this so nice? Because the fucker purposely tore up my tie rod and axle on my car that I usually drive saying he would fix it and it’s been sitting in the driveway for over a month. I haven’t been able to go ANYWHERE. Literally stuck with him.

He’s never let me drive the truck since he bought it 3 years ago because it was “his” truck. That he bought with money....that he took from me. 🙄

Guess who’s got two thumbs, titties, and a 4x4 Dodge Durango now?

I’m done. Goodnight y’all. I’m going to try to sleep now. Will update when more happens. 💕