boyfriend keeps lying


so yesterday morning I went on my boyfriends insta and went to his saved photos, I found a few pictures of girl that used to go to our school (keep in mind he graduated this year) one was a girl in a bikini and some of the pictures were showing her ass. nothing I knew he hasn't seen. but I decided to put it off until later since ne and him were going to the movies and I wanted it to be a good day. well then he confronts me about something over text and I explain (nothing important) then I say can you call me and he calls. so I say since you confronted me ig I'll go ahead and ask you about this.... I send him the screenshot and he says "oh I didnt mean to" "I didnt even know I had that saved" I didnt believe him. but then he says "everything in my saved is liked" but no its not... so then today when I look at his like photos everything in his saved was at the top like he had just liked it .... hmmm 🤔 what do I do?

there is the ss