7 weeks PP Depression/Anxiety


Hello all,

So my son is 7 weeks and 2 days today and has colic and acid reflux. To say that it has been stressful dealing with the incessant crying is an understatement. I find myself crying every day and am anxious when I get up in the morning because I don’t know how much crying I will be able to tolerate. I feel so sad and that I have done something wrong for my baby to always be so unhappy. I am a FTM and this is not how I imagined motherhood to be. I get so jealous of everyone’s happy babies and my guy is over here crying his eyes out. I am currently seeing a counselor and everyone is telling me the colic will pass but I feel so alone and sad. My poor husband doesn’t understand why I am always crying and he tries to make me feel better but it doesn’t help. Anyone else feeling this way? What are some things that have helped you?