Is the school out of line?

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

So this is an old story, but I live in the state where it happened so it’s still on news pages and what not. I’ll attach a link below to the story but I’ll give some basic background.

A mom picked her daughter up from preschool and the daughter was complaining about being hungry. Mom looks in her lunch box to see and unopened package of Oreos she packed and a note. The note is from the school basically stating that have strict rules on healthy foods only. The mother said that she knows these rules and normally follows them, but hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet. She took to the media with a picture of the note in her frustration. A lot of people commented saying they thought it was ridiculous, but here’s my take.

This preschool is private and super fancy. They probably are going to have some out there rules. And the mom said she even KNEW the rules. And why is the child hungry from just not eating the Oreos? She was allowed to eat the rest of her lunch, (from my understanding) and the cookies is what she needed to fill her up? Maybe the mom didn’t pack enough food to begin with if her daughter was “so hungry” after school. However I could be wrong in this.

What’s your take? Is the school out of line? Should schools be allowed to control what kids eat?

—-> story

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