The Accommodating Nurse


It had been a great morning so far! The sun was shining brightly on that spring day. The temperature was a perfect 77°! For once the newspaper wasn’t line with horrible news about some disastrous events. I slowly pressed down on the brake as I cane to a halt at a yellow light. I waited patiently listened to the radio in the background as I heard the birds more pronounced in the foreground. The light turned green and I pressed the accelerator and proceeded en route.

Then it happened! Shards of glass and metal flying everywhere! Twisting metal, gnarly destruction, and no longer recognizable from the manufacturers version of the auto I once had. I lay there hanging from my belt, slung sideways towards the passengers side, my car on its side. I lay there unconscious. After that, my memory lapsed.

I woke up in a hospital bed hooked up to all kinds of esoteric machines that beeped, pumped, dripped, glowed, and hummed. I looked around at my surroundings trying to figure out what had happened. The room was also filled with get well balloons, flowers, cards, and a few soft, plush stuffed animals.

It was early in the morning and as I was still figuring out what had happened, a very pretty nurse cane in.

“There he is! Finally awake!”

I grabbed the note pad and pen sitting beside me. Having a large tube down my throat, left me unable to speak. I quickly wrote, “what happened?” On the pad and showed it to her.

A solemn look cane across he face, as she continued to pretended to work while she turned her head away. A pause drowned the room accept for the machines that were wildly screaming.

“ a very bad care accident.”, she said sadly.

“Was anyone else hurt?”, I wrote as fast as I could!

“The other....”.

“OTHER WHAT!!!”, I wrote pressing the pen deep into the pad.

“Driver. He didn’t survive. I’m sorry.”

My clear blue eyes started to well up. My heart hurt so bad. His family, did he have children? The tear rolled down my cheek in sporadic patterns.

All she could think of doing to comfort me was hug me around all the tubes and casts, then quietly tell me, “it wasn’t your fault.”

She got up and stood over me. She squeezed my hand again. This time I squeezed back.

“My name is Haley by the way. We are a bit short staffed, So, we are going to get to know each other pretty well!” As she smiled. I’m just going to put my card with my cell in the back. If you need anything, just give me a call ok? I’ll be in to check in with you tomorrow. I think if you are this away tomorrow morning, we will be able to get you off some of these machines! Try to get some rest ok? You have a lot of healing to do!”

Exhausted physically and emotionally, I fell right to sleep. The next morning Haley came bouncing in and woke me up.

“I got the ok to take you off some of these stupid machines so your much more comfortable. How’s that sound?”

I shook my head in agreement.

She unhooked the incubation tone from the machine and said, “here we go!”

She started to slowly pull as he regurgitate it at the same time. Finally it was out and he could breath on his own and talk again.

“Now, take it easy for a while. Your throat will be sore for a while.”

“Thank you.”, I whispered.

“Ok, this next one won’t be quite as fun. I’m going to take your Catheter out. So, I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

She put her hands under my blanket and handled my penis gently.

“Wow! Nice cock”, she said as she looked up and winked and smiled.”

I was starting to get erect. Just then I felt just a slight pinch and it was out.

“That’s it big boy. But, now, every time you need to go to the bathroom, you need to page me ok?”

I shook my head and then left the room.

To be continued....