Molly’s birth story-one year later
I woke up at 4:30 feeling my pelvis pop. I knew it wasn't my water breaking because I'd felt it several times over the past few weeks, but this time I couldn't fall back asleep afterward. It felt like my ligaments had shifted. I started shaking all over like I couldn't get warm. I was shaking so hard that i couldn’t talk or hold my phone. This continued for a couple hours until I got in the bathtub and poured hot water all over me.
I finally got the shaking to stop around 6:30 and told Thomas (my hubby) to go ahead and go to work. I was having mild contractions that were 5-7 minutes apart, but I didn't think they would be the real thing. I was in a lot of pain so I called my 20 month old’s former daycare teacher and asked if I could please drop her off since I knew there was no way I could take care of her and labor.
Thomas left for work and I called my OBs office the minute they opened to see if they could get me in to check me. I didn't want to go to triage to get checked and have to pay for them to tell me to go home. My doctor said he'd be more than happy to see me (he had checked me the day before and I was supposed to go back the next day anyway). I was in so much pain at this point. Trying to get a toddler ready when you're in labor is no fun. I told Ava we were going to Mrs. Julie's and we had to get ready to go. She, of course, didn't understand why momma was being so mean and rushing her and why I couldn't carry her.
I dropped her off and got to the doctor around 9:15. They called me back and the nurse commented on how much lower I was carrying than the day before. We listened to Molly's heart and her heart rate was very high (180-190). The nurse told me to make sure to mention it to my doctor. When he came in to check me (still 1.5 cm like the day before) I told him about her heart rate and he decided to put me on the monitors to watch it for a little bit. I was hooked up to the machine for all of 5 minutes before he decided that I was in labor and that her heart rate was so high because of the contractions. He told me to go straight over to the hospital and that I would be having my baby today! I called Thomas and told him. I didn't bring any of our hospital bags or anything with me to the appointment because I was so sure I wasn't going to need them. I drove across the parking lot and waited to get admitted.
Around 11 I got my room and waited for them to start pitocin. My doctor came in around 12 to check me and break my water. From the time I left his office to then, I had progressed to 3 cm without any pitocin. I started my IVs at 12 and got an epidural shortly after that. After a couple hours I was still only at 4 cm, so my nurse turned me on my side and put the peanut ball between my legs to help me dilate faster. It definitely worked. My contractions were getting very intense and my epidural didn't work completely on one side of my abdomen. I felt all of the contractions on my right side, which was very different than when I had my first and the epidural numbed me so completely that i could sleep. I was completely dilated by 4:30 or so and was ready to push as soon as my doctor walked in. They prepped the room and got everything ready and told me I could start pushing. I was holding my legs and had 4 pushes before she was out! It was SO fast! I got to hold her as soon as she was born and while Thomas cut the cord. They took her off and did all her measurements while my doctor stitched me (I had a 2nd degree tear) and then they brought her back and we were able to attempt breastfeeding. She latched for a little bit and it felt so much more natural. I'm glad I had so much experience breastfeeding Ava. It definitely helped.
Molly Ann was born on August 15, 2017 at 4:58 pm weighing 7 lb 12 oz and 20 inches long. Born at 38 weeks exactly.

Proud big sissy
And here she is now! One year old and the absolute best baby ever 💖

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.