We should not have to explain why we bottle feed.


If some one asks why you bottle feed you shouldn't have to explain your self or feel guilty for not breastfeeding. whether it's a personal choice or there was a medical or other reason it doesn't matter. New mum's have a lot to worry about feeling judged for not breastfeeding shouldn't be one of those worries. I'm not saying breastfeeding isn't great because it is. I'm just saying we shouldn't have to feel guilty for not. I cried loads because I couldn't breastfeed I felt like I'd failed and it hurt every time some one asked why. it shouldnt matter why it should just be ok. Please be supportive of mum's regardless of how they feed.

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Posted at
I agree. I’m nursing my son at 22 months, and even THAT gets comments. As a mom, you’re damned if you don’t, and damned if you do. Bottom line- Do you love your baby? Do you do what YOU feel is best for him/her? Then you’re an amazing mother! Don’t worry about what others think!
I agree. I’m nursing my son at 22 months, and even THAT gets comments. As a mom, you’re damned if you don’t, and damned if you do. Bottom line- Do you love your baby? Do you do what YOU feel is best for him/her? Then you’re an amazing mother! Don’t worry about what others think!


Bea • Aug 26, 2018


Posted at
FED is best. ❤️
FED is best. ❤️


Bea • Aug 26, 2018


Posted at
THANK YOU! I chose not to breastfeed either of my children and when I tell people that I swear they act like it’s the end of the world. I tell them MY BODY, MY CHOICE!
THANK YOU! I chose not to breastfeed either of my children and when I tell people that I swear they act like it’s the end of the world. I tell them MY BODY, MY CHOICE!


Bea • Aug 27, 2018
Exactly ❤


Posted at
You shouldn’t have to justify how you are feeding your baby. As long as they are getting everything they need, it doesn’t matter if it’s breastmilk or formula. It doesn’t make a woman any less of a mother if they choose to formula feed. Fed is best. Ignore the judgemental idiots and keep being the amazing mother that you are.


Bea • Aug 26, 2018


Posted at
Agreed! It’s nobody’s business why or how you choose to feed your baby, unless your child looks sick or neglected. So sick of seeing nosey judgemental people making mums feel like shit when they are trying their best! Don’t let these individuals get to you, in a few years time nobody will even know if you breast or bottle fed unless you tell them.. you are clearly a great mum to be so upset in yourself not to be able to breast feed 💜


Bea • Aug 26, 2018
Thank you ❤


Posted at
When my milk dried up at 5 weeks I felt awful, it felt like I'd failed as a mother. I couldn't understand why my body was giving up doing its job. Literally went from producing 4 oz really thick nice milk each breast every 4 oz to maybe 1/2oz each breast if I was lucky of this really thin watery milk that had no substance. Within a few days. Maybe if I'd stuck it out longer I wouldn't have had to switch but my baby was screaming 24/7 because she was hungry and I couldn't give her food. I now although the great feeling of guilt believe I done the correct thing in giving her formula the instant I did my baby girl became so happy and had a full tummy. And that's all I could ever ask from her is that she's happy. She's now my 4mo chunky monkey. We've had our battles with food along the way but I've always done what's best for her, what keeps her tummy full


Bea • Aug 28, 2018
She's beautiful. I think you are doing an amazing job ❤


Posted at
I agree. The pediatrician ( not the one I was using) that came to see me in the hospital told me I was a failure of a mom for not breastfeeding and basically said since I wasn't my son was going to die. I reported her to the hospital cause how are you going to tell a mom who just got induced was in labor 17 hours and resulted in a C-section that her 7lb baby boy is going to die because of a decision. He's almost 2 now and I'm expecting his baby sister in 2 weeks. And if I have to deal with that lady again I swear I'm going to go off.


Posted at
Thank you for this. I was also unable to breastfeed and still have guilt and feel judged and like I have to explain to people it wasn’t a choice that I had to. You are right we shouldn’t have to explain. My daughter is 7 months old and doing great. Already trying to walk 😳 lol. I needed this so thank you


Bea • Aug 27, 2018
Glad to have helped ❤


Posted at
You’re right, you shouldn’t have to explain to anyone. But just because someone asks doesn’t mean they have intentions of shaming. Some people are really just curious.