Do What You Said

UPDATE: We tried hiring teens. It doesn’t work. And we don’t have the equipment they need. Yes, I’m aggravated with the yard guy. But there isn’t much I can do.

And on top of no sleep and sick as dog kids, an older gentleman who always shares veggies from his garden showed up before 10. I’ve been on the phone all morning getting meds and doctors appointments. I didn’t even had a bra on. 🙋🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Dear World and Working People,

If you say the office opens at 8, be at the phone at 8. No momma who has been up all night with two sick babies wants the machine until 9.

If you say you’ll give the doctors the message and he will call you back, GIVE HIM THE DAMN MESSAGE.

Dear Doctor, you’re a professional. Crap happens. You piss mommas off sometimes. But when you say you’ll call in meds for sick kids, call it in and confirm the pharmacy got it so I don’t have to fight through your nonexistent staff to get it.

Dear staff, you’re dealing with sick kids. They got coughs fever, snot, vomit...SMILE. Tired mommies and sick babies will respond better if you aren’t at constant resting bitch face in a children’s doctor’s office.

Dear docs machine, you say calla number and they’ll page the doc on call. They won’t. I’ve told you they won’t. Change the machine.

Dear yard guy, I’ve called you three times. My kids are sick. The grass is up to my knees. Do your job.

Dear VERY TINY town, I get it we small. But sometimes I want more that one option for a yard guy or more than one pediatrician. Or I want to be able to walk in an office and say y’all aren’t being professional or I don’t agree with you or give you a negative rating without having it blow back all over town. Do your jobs. Small town doesn’t have to mean we don’t have it together.

Sincerely the tired sleep deprived mom with two majorly sick kids who doesn’t wanna sit in the docs office for another two hours today. And who is embarrassed to even leave the house bc it looks like we’ve abandoned the house.