Fatigue increases anxiety/worriedness?

Hi, ladies. So I’m a college student, and just started my second year. Last year, I struggled with stress/doubts but it was tolerable for the most part, until the end of this past spring when I was severely exhausted from lack of sleep (due to too many late night study sessions) and being overwhelmed. This semester, however, is different because I’m taking 8 am classes 5 days a week. While I have no problem waking up at 6 am to get ready, I find that over the course of the day I’m so drained and exhausted that I almost can’t function. This only multiplies during the week. And now, I feel like my anxious and irrational thoughts and doubts have only increased, to the point where I overthink the simplest things (for example, my boyfriend not texting me back for period of time) and jump to the worst conclusions (like he’s annoyed with me or doesn’t love me). And I know these aren’t true, and I really try to shake them off by reminding myself of the things I know to be true, but sometimes I can’t and I feel like I’m being suffocated by everything. This has started affecting my attitude as well, and I hate that. I get irritated easily, and also get emotional a lot more often. I don’t know what to do...Is it really possible that my lack of sleep and exhaustion are making all of this significantly worse? What can I do? I wish I could tell my boyfriend all of what I’ve been struggling with but I don’t want to sound stupid and I don’t even know if he’ll understand how badly this is affecting me 😞