Current situation


Two failed IUIs. Both rounds took Letrozole and had a few mature follicles, except during the 2nd <a href="">IUI</a> I had only 1 mature follicle. Just did baseline ultrasound for 3rd round and had plenty of follicles on both sides. Because this is such an emotionally and financially stressful journey I asked the doctor how we can increase the odds or what we can do to have a more aggressive treatment plan. I asked if we could do Injectables in conjunction with the Letrozole. He said this would not increase my percentage of conception. He said it could potentially give me an extra follicle but that’s it. I asked about <a href="">IVF</a>, and that’s currently not an option, even though insurance will cover a majority of it because my BMI is 44 so he won’t do it because of the risk. Just feeling defeated and worried that this is it for me. Thanks for hearing me out ladies. Fingers crossed that this round magical works for me.

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Posted at
I’m sorry. That sounds so frustrating. Personally, I don’t see why your doctor won’t do Gonal F in conjunction with Femara. I did both. Our doctor agreed to up my Gonal F too to produce more follicles. Since I was on the low end of normal for my age group (34) of AMH, she suggested my quality of eggs needed help. 2nd IUI unsuccessful. 3rd IUI or could’ve been us trying because we still had sex, successful!


Ha • Sep 13, 2018
Thank you! Yes I would get a second opinion. I wish you all the best!


Amanda • Sep 13, 2018
Wouldn’t *


Amanda • Sep 13, 2018
Thank you for the advice. Congratulations on your successful IUI. 😊I’m doing this with donor sperm so there is no chance for me to BD since I’m doing this on my own. I don’t know why my doctor would go this route. I may get a second opinion at another fertility clinic since this is the case. I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months.


Posted at
It's very rare to conceive on your first two tries, I would prepare yourself for multiples attempts. Could you do an at home ICI to save money? Also, only do the necessary tests. I take letrozole days 3-7 and then do a single u/s and bloodwork on day 13, and pick a night for the trigger shot and go in for the IUI. I've seen some women go for multiple u/s and it seems excessive.


Elizabeth • Sep 18, 2018
It sounds like you have a great plan, good luck!


Amanda • Sep 14, 2018
I totally understand. I know with most women it can take several tries. I have spoken to more than one fertility specialist and they said it generally works with in 3-4 times. And if it doesn’t than the option to do ivf would be the most financial suitable route while giving me the most success. I appreciate you responding and your advice. Sending you love and baby dust.


Posted at
Just a suggestion that I know people who had very high bmis that lost as little as 5 pounds and got pregnant right away with no help... Just a thought...


Carly • Sep 15, 2018
Ah i see. Well maybe losing a little will help the iui too? Either way, good luck! Ive had 2 failed iuis AND i have a partner to bd with, so dont get too frustrated!


Amanda • Sep 14, 2018
I appreciate the advice. And I’m gonna focus on losing weight at this point. I don’t have a partner or the option to baby dance with my husband. Choosing to go on this journey as a single mom. 😊


Posted at
Your in my prayers


Amanda • Sep 13, 2018
Thank you I appreciate that. 😊


Posted at
I hope you will find some solution, I know it’s stressful TTC and IVF is out of the question for us because we can’t afford it.


Amanda • Sep 12, 2018
Thank you. Hoping and praying more than anything that this 3rd round works.