should i stay? my bf cheated

i have been with bf for 8 months now and everything was fine until i started getting some irritation in my vagina... i told my bf that something isn’t right and he needs to get std tested. i was a virgin before we we’re together so i knew something was off on his end. he got tested immediately and the results said he has chlamydia. he texted me and told me he had it (he was walking to work when the doctor told him so he had to text me)... and he also mentioned that about month ago he received oral sex from this random girl while he was high. he was over at a guy friends house and a girl came over later but he said it was all a blur... he seems apologetic but im just so disgusted with him right now! he said he would never hurt me on purpose and truly loves me, but he respects whatever decision i make. he will also pay for me to get tested and for whatever medication.

i don’t know what to do... he didn’t even tell me until now! i still love him but this is hurting me so much! i understand that mistakes happen but i feel it wouldn’t be right for me to stay. what should i do???