Hardest breakup


Today I was given the choice to either breakup with my boyfriend of almost 2 years or ruin the relationship I have with my parents forever. There’s been some drama between my boyfriend and my father, it all happened so fast that I didn’t really have time to see everything for what it was. But I broke up with my boyfriend because if I didn’t I would be homeless, car-less and on my own without anything to my name. The worse thing is that my boyfriend treats me very well, it’s just he is very Twitter fingers and pops off at the mouth very easily, my mom says that by breaking up with him is the best for me and my future but I don’t feel the same. I love him so much and he’s the only person I know. I don’t have any other friends or people to talk to about this so that’s why i am here, venting to whoever will read this very long story.

Some background : I’ve been with Dominic ( my now ex) for a year and a 3 months. He helped me get out of my previous mentally abusive relationship and he also motivate me to get my very first job a year ago. But his past two jobs didn’t work out with him so I got him a job at my work to help him build the background he needs to get a better job. But at this time he wasn’t going to school and rarely had any hours. Not to mention the fact that I helped him when his mother and step father kicked him out, and my parents allowed him to stay at another property they own but it’s 20 minutes away from the city.

Fast forward a couple months and he now works at my job, the whole time he’s been living at the house ( since March of 2018) my parents never said anything about rent until about July. Now it’s become an issue where my father and Dominic do not get along because of little things that were said on Sunday night. The thing that bugs me the most is that Dominic spoke to my dad and started to get brave, which isn’t right. But he believes he didn’t do anything wrong, regardless if my father started the conversation. And today when I broke up with him , he kept asking what he did wrong. I’ve tried this whole week to express how I felt and it’s like he dismissed it. Now I know, this is probably a lot and confusing. But I just need someone to hear and listen to me because this whole situation just is out of hand. I’m hurt that my parents would just cut all ties with me if i continued my relationship and I’m also hurt that Dominic doesn’t realize the situation he’s caused. I love him and I probably always will and I told him that if he can prove that he can change and better himself then maybe my parents would change there minds. Still he continued to be confused to what the issues are and then did his usual “ I’m a disappointment” comment.

Rant over. I know I just kinda ended everything but there is a lot of things I’m not going to say because it’s personal. But right now I just need an outsiders opinion or advice.