Some petty rant post about tea

Went to my favorite coffee stand for some iced mango and peach green tea. I always ask for the bag to be left inside, cause it gives a stronger taste, and I’m trying to beat a slight cold. I had JUST gotten one a few hours previous WITH the bag. When I went back for another, I was greeted by a different lady who said “we already have some seeped green tea in the back we’re using.” I asked her, “can’t I just get one with the bag please?” She said no, it’s only with the stuff they’ve got ready. First off, it’s NOT that hard to reach into the drawer where all the tea is kept, put it in a cup, and give it to me. It takes less than 5 minuets. Second of all, why am I denied what I want? It TASTES different if it’s been sitting out, and I don’t want different tasting tea!

Psa for all you “experts” who are going to hate on me, I’m complaining because it’s simple. You leave any kind of tea sitting out for a long period of time, it gets bitter, it loses its flavor, and it tastes DISGUSTING.