
No guys want to date me. None. I am a freshman in college and I have never so much as been on a date. I have flirted, asked guys out, made the first move, tried dating apps, and nothing EVER works out, guys have never reciprocated my feelings. I know I'm not the most attractive person, but I really don't think I'm hideous. I don't think I have a terrible personality either. I am nice and I think I'm sorta funny, but I feel like I'm trying to go fishing in the middle of the desert. I don't know what I'm doing wrong that makes everyone else so much more desirable than me. At this point I literally fantasize about holding someone's hand because I'm that lonely and starved of physical affection. It sucks so bad. I feel like I'm dying. All I want is to go on one date and I would feel less worthless. And I know everyone is going to say that I shouldn't be so consumed with dating and guys, but friendship really isn't enough anymore. I feel like I'm missing out on a major part of life and I'm never going to experience romantic attraction. I'm so so so sad... help