15 month old extremely attached


So my son and I are extremely close I’m a single mom so it’s just us plus my family he sees a lot but anyways he is my entire universe and he knows it and I’m the type of mom where I just can’t handle to see him pout or cry at all and not grab him and comfort him so lately I’ve been struggling just to cook him dinner or get him a glass of milk or literally do anything without him crying wanting me to hold him and snuggle which I adore but obviously I have to be able to do simple things for even 2 mins anyways I’m not sure if he has anxiety or something I’m going to talk to his doctor for advice on Monday but thought I’d ask you moms for some advice but realize I won’t let him sit and cry so something I can do without him crying and obviously he’s a little big for wearing him or is he? Idk ftm just needing advice to set my toddler down at all without him crying he also attends daycare because I have to work and he literally flips out and acts like he’s dying when I leave so I’m always running late because it’s so difficult for me to leave him like that