My SO says no tattoos.

I have wanted a tattoo since I was 16 years old and even had the permission from both my parents to get it, but i wanted to wait until I was legal to just get it myself without permission. My SO and I have been on and off dating since I was 16 and just this year we talked about tattoos. He told me "he didn't like them on the people he dated" and i told him it was my body & I'd do what I wanted but I kept his feelings in mind. Around September I was thinking and even decided on a tattoo but didn't know when I wanted to get it, in October I told my bf that i almost got a tattoo and he got mad and like said it would make me ugly and he'd be so mad and he'd hold a grudge on me and I basically had to say I wasn't gonna get a tattoo to him just so he wouldn't be so mad. I really want a tattoo. He says that I may like it now but I'll regret it months later.. (sorry for the long rant) should I feel bad? Should he have in say so in my tattoo decision? Should I not get a tattoo bc he don't like them?