Whiskey. Men. And a sleepy eyed mama.

It's 1 am. Can't sleep, due to steroid injection, I had a severe reaction to poison ivy... Let's share some whiskey in a teacup, ladies.

I've been married going on 6 years. For about 4 of those years, my husband has consistently been cheating on me. He hasn't held a job. I've been bread winner for us. We have a child. Well, everything blew up finally, about a month ago. And we separated. He has been staying in the second bedroom while my daughter and I share the master.

I started a new job, and a guy has expressed extreme interest in me. I honestly don't want any relationship with any human. I told my separated husband about him. And he came unglued. Wanting to beat him up and what not. So, his jealousy has "made him realize what he lost." And he's showing initiative to "win" me back. He has written me notes. And asked me on a date. Seriously pursuing finding a job. Good stuff.... That typically will only last a week. I've seen the cycle.

Now. There IS a guy, I like, I met a year ago. We worked closely, and he paid attention to me. Remembered things I liked. Made me laugh. And we had a connection... I have written him a note explaining how I feel. I plan on giving it to him, in hopes my feelings go away and I scare him off. He has a wife and 3 kids. I'm not a homewrecker...

I've asked my husband for a legal separation. I said he could answer me Friday... But honestly even if he refuses, I want to be done with it.... I want it to all be over... I'm done with the games, lies, and "divorce isn't an option" being used as an abusive tool.

I feel stuck. The council I receive from my church, makes me feel like, I'm not allowed to move for a divorce, even though I have biblical grounds.. my head is spinning and I just want some peace, a stable life for my daughter and I.