My husbands stalker is naming her daughter after ours.

So when my husband and I were barely dating there was a girl who basically stalked him. He worked at a subway then, and she worked there. She would tell everyone that he was her boyfriend, and she’d try to kiss him and engage him physically in any type of way. At first my husband would politely decline her advances, but it got to the point where she would NOT let him be, and she started threatening that she was going to have me kidnapped and killed so he’d pay attention to her. Ultimately he left the job and we moved to another city and got married. In 2016 we had a daughter which we named Eliana. Once in a while I check her Facebook to see if she still goes on about my husband. Because although when she met my hubby in 2014. She was still talking about him and bashing him in 2017. Anyways, so I see she’s pregnant. And I think “we’ll good for her so she can focus on her baby” and then I see that she’s having a girl, who she has decided to name “Aliana” 🙄