Love, marriage, then the baby carriage??

First know I am not trying to offend anyone it's only an opinion. I love seeing so many mommy's and daddy's trying to conceive. But very few trying to get married. How can we be ready for children but not ready to be married to our children's mother or father. Do I see anything wrong with it sure,but I realize maybe that's the problem no seem to think there is anything wrong with it! I hope mommies if he wants you to be his child's mother he also wants you to be his wife. It's a respect for you, him and that child. I don't know maybe we are giving the man to much flexibility to walk out or stay. It was a discussion on our lunch break. How we as are nurses seeing many boyfriends of 3-7 years ,not husband's of 3-7 yrs.. I know situations happen, i think it is amazing we canStay with a man or woman that long but how long before that ring? We know when we are ready for a baby . right? ? I think if we take a step back we will see some of the things we can do differently before our kids ask us why do we all have diffrent last names. Everyone has a story or situation why their relationship is the way it is i guess if it works for you then great. I guess it's a little sad when we as nurses and MA has to see so many baby daddy's, and not enough hubby, or single u wed mom's who are unsure of the father.Remeber... In your chart it does not say boyfriend it says single. But if he is husband it will say husband and or married.Baby dust always to all of the mommies, I also hope that our daddy's are our hubby's one day, So ladies get that ring! And that baby!