Why does this bother me so much?

Alright so I just need to rant lol. last night I went to bed a little bit early because it’s finals week and I needed to get up early to get stuff done. I texted my boyfriend that I was going to bed but I figured he fell asleep too cause I hadn’t heard from him in a little bit. So I go to bed and then I wake up the next morning with no text. No big deal, i figured he’d fallen asleep before me! But then I open Snapchat and saw his story at 3 am buying four lokos with his buddies 🤦🏼‍♀️ I know I shouldn’t be bothered because he’s getting out soon and he should hang out with those guys because honestly, when’s the next time he’s going to see all of them together? But like you can’t just send “okay good night babe, I love you!”!?!? We’ve been dating for over a year now and I’ve told him so many times, all I need is a good morning and a good night text 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Im not actually mad lol it’s just can get a little annoying sometimes bc he does this all the time when he goes out. But whatever, what are you gonna do? 🤷🏼‍♀️