My boyfriend broke up with me

So recently my boyfriend broke up with me, and he just told me “he needed a break”, but he keeps sending me mix signals, one day he wants to be together and he tells me “he loves me but he is so bad for me” but the next day he’s like “forget we ever happened.” “Your not my girlfriend do whatever tf you want” and I kinda saw us breaking up because it wasn’t the same anymore he wouldn’t text me anymore he would always want to be with his friends. He only came over to have sex. but I really love him and i’m upset about this situation and my friend keeps telling me “bitch don’t be upset let’s throw a party and get fucked up” I was like “yeah I want to get fucked up” but now thinking about it that’s probably going to ruin any chances of us being together but then again he told me “your not my girlfriend do whatever you want, I can’t tell you who to text anymore” so I was like “fuck it I’m gonna try and move on” then I asked my friend “who was all coming” she named every single one of his friends, and his friends tell him everything. So should I even go to the party if I do go should I get fucked up and make Him jealous or is that immature?

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