I need to know how to handle this. Is he abusive? Should I end it?

We started dating only one month ago, tomorrow is our anniversary of one month. In the beginning I can't tell you how amazing he made me feel, then about 2 weeks in he started texting me a lot less and saying he just doesn't like being on his phone yet I see him online, the only time he messages me back right away is when he wants to sext. He has cancelled our plans multiple times and many times he hasn't even messaged to tell me why he will just text me late that night or the next day and say I'm so sorry baby I promise I'll see you soon. He is 18. When he cancels he will say sorry but my dumb anger issues always ruin everything and then he won't tell me why he was upset. He was abused and he told me right away and was open about it, he said that's why he has Anger problems. I asked him extensively about these things. The one thing I know is that when I do see him he makes me feel like the only girl in the world. No one else exists when I'm around him. But I get so pissed off when he doesn't message me for 16 hours sometimes. But if it goes that long I'll message him and say is everything ok and he'll respond fairly quickly to that message. I am about to lose my virginity to him and I am now doubting if he is the right guy.