Fussy Newborn Help


I hate to admit this, but I’m at my wits end. Jordyn is 3 weeks tomorrow and my angel baby has turned into a holy terror. For the past 1.5-2 weeks, she has been extremely fussy. Last week I thought she was gassy, and still feel like that was the issue at that time. The screaming hasn’t stopped this week though, and I she doesn’t seem near as gassy to me. She wants to nurse all. the. time. She takes 30-40 minutes to nurse, seems content afterward, but then is screaming 20-30 minutes later wanting to nurse again. She was fine eating every 2 hours, and now she can’t make it more than every 1.5. I change her diapers frequently through the day, make sure she’s warm, hold her, and interact with her. I tried gripe water yesterday and it only quelled the crying and screaming for 10 minutes.

I can’t get anything done because she’s constantly attached to my breast or screaming like a banshee. I don’t know what to do. I worried that my milk supply was down or something, but i don’t think that’s the case. She has about 3-4 dirty diapers a day, and 5-6+ wet every day. I did start pumping this week, but try not to pump until she’s eaten. I’ve been eating a bland diet too, so I would be surprised if it was something I’m eating causing this.

If anyone can please give me advice, I would greatly appreciate it.