I never thought I’d say I’m a single mother.


It took me awhile to finally end a relationship with my daughters father. I finally found my worth and left my 3 year relationship. I was being fooled for too long where he would constantly start little white lies that turned into big lies. Did I really know the man I was with? He lived a double life and I caught him saying he had class today... he is in college to be a nurse. With the terrible weather lately, the schools all in my area are closed. His school was closed today too and he played me for a fool thinking I was supposed to believe he had class. I’m sure he’s cheated on me. He hasn’t seen our daughter in over a month and doesn’t even have plans to either. I’m really hurt but not because I ended it.. I’m hurt because my daughter has to go on growing up with a father that doesn’t want to see her. I know she is loved from my families end but his family could care less and doesn’t even ask about her. I guess I wanted to just vent and say I’m glad I finally left a controlling and abusive relationship. This is hard for me right now because I just started a program in school where I graduate at the end of summer and I don’t want the feeling of hurt to take away from my studies and me being the best mom I can be. How can I cope with not having him apart of my every day routine? I never thought I’d end up as a single mother and I’m so scared.