Should I go over?

My boyfriend wants me to go over bc his mom is cooking some puertorican food, but his cousin and his wife and her mom & dad are in town. So they’ll also be there.

I personally don’t want to go because I feel like I’ll be ruining their family time since his cousins in laws are here and he hasn’t spent quality time with them yet. they don’t speak English and I don’t speak Spanish so he would have to help translate it so I can understand.

Is that rude that I don’t want to go? Last time I went bc his mom cooked and felt terrible bc his friends wife was there and they had conversations but I couldn’t really talk only when my boyfriend was there to translate.

He told me if I don’t go, it’s okay. But is it really okay to not go?! I feel like it’ll be a turn off for him if I choose to stay home because we’ve already been together for over 1 year and I should be comfortable.

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