Venting on life. Emotional support?

I’ve never really had an issue with depression but I feel like these last few weeks have me there. So many different reasons. I guess the most recent reason is a lost two beloved pets not even two weeks apart. I had one dog for over 5 years and he just died in a matter of hours not sure why. And it would’ve cost to much for a autopsy to see what happened. And then my dog of 6 years got into the road and got hit by a car. And I know they are just pets but I’m 25 and they have been there with me for all of my growing up decisions. They were my support team and now it’s like I don’t have that extra boost to make me happy.. less recent still relevant to why it hurts so much to loose my support team.. I am in a great relationship and have been for four years now and for the past two we have been trying to have a baby. Followed ovulation, went based on when I felt like I was the ovulating, spur of the moment sex. Unplanned spontaneous. Nothing has worked. My period also has not been regular for the past year. Like it will show up a week late. And twice it didn’t come for entire months. Negative test after negative test gets me so down but before I always had my fur babies still and now I didn’t even have them. Now I am three days late negative test. And I have no one to talk to. I can talk to my man but he gets upset about it too. And we are still going to continue to try. But I’m just so depressed right now. I don’t know how to find my happy place. I deleted Facebook because of all the negative news stories and things people post because it was making it worse for me. I just dont know what to do right now.