Needing a pep talk!

Taya • Mommy to Elliotte: 7/9/17 💕 And Killian 3/10/19 💙 Sullivan 7/15/23 💙

I’m 38+6 with my second pregnancy. I really wanted to go unmedicated with my first baby, but pitocin + being awake for over 36 hours left me with an epidural. I don’t have any regrets about it, but I really want the full birth experience this time around.

I’m currently almost 3cm and 50% effaced, and my doctor doesn’t think I’ll make it to my due date. Problem is, I’ve been feeling TERRIBLE the last few days. My energy has tanked - just the thought of emptying the dishwasher leaves me exhausted. Ive had no appetite and I just feel off. I’ve also been running a fever in the evening the last two days (doc is not concerned about baby and thinks my body is just fighting something). Long story short, my body just feels so weak and incapable right now. I want this baby out ASAP, but I’m afraid that I won’t have the strength to do it without the epidural.

On a side note, I’m a marathoner. I’m used to pushing my body and doing hard things. But just as with a race, I always wanted to go into this labor feeling strong and capable. What on earth do I do?!