Prom Help!!


My ex boyfriend and I were together for 2 years. I loved him so much and genuinely thought it would last. A couple months ago I found out he asked another girl for nudes and then called another girl hot but he knows me better than anyone else and I know he would make the night special. We broke up because of this and I met another guy who is the complete opposite of him. He does treat me good even though sometimes he has his moments where he doesn’t show his emotions. I know he would make prom special for me too though. Me and this other guy have been talking for about 2 months but I still keep in touch with my ex. I don’t know if I should go to prom with my ex because some feelings are still there or if I should go with the new guy because he does care about me and will be happy with any decision I make. I know I would have a good time with either or. I just don’t know what to do.