Oh my.


So my whole life I was told if never have kids and I wanted them so bad even just one.

My senior year I fell pregnant on accident but I lost it not long after. However this being devastating to me it gave me some found hope for when I was older and ready for kids. It showed me that doctors were wrong I could get pregnant, and I did. I had my miracle baby girl on March 17, 2018.

We'll come to find out I am currently pregnant with hopefully my next successful pregnancy. If I did my math right he/she is due end of October beginning of November 2019. This was far from planned and I'm nervous having two kids so close and scared I won't be allowed to vaginally deliver since I had an emergency C-section with my first and it's only been a year between the two pregnancy.

Anyway I had to share with someone being I'm not really telling people yet so I told the glow community.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Here is a pic of my soon to be this Sunday one year old and my shocking test results.