Keratin Express


So I’m a hairdresser and I remember last year I had this same issue, everyone wants Keratins right now. I was pregnant last year in March, and I had someone message me about a Keratin Express and my boss was like “it’s up to you, some people are okay doing them, some are not” and I didn’t quite feel comfortable, but then I had a miscarriage, so obviously I didn’t have to tell anyone and I didn’t have to do it.

Now I’m 11.5 weeks pregnant, I STILL haven’t told anyone and I check my schedule and I have a Keratin Express on my book for tomorrow...I’m like what do I do? I don’t want to do it because I do not want to risk losing this baby, but I also am not ready to tell anyone at the salon yet.

Any insight?

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You may have to tell your boss, so they can put a different stylist on for that treatment and to prevent you from being scheduled for them. The rest of your coworkers dont need to know, but thats about the only way to get out of it.


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Just say you've been feeling sick & you don't have the energy 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk haha