Question about my husband what should I do.

Hello everyone I’m here to ask a question.

My husband and I been together for 8 years and married little over a year and we have a sin together which he is 3 1/2.

My husband did very well when our son was born , but now he got so lazy.

Like I’m a stay at home mom and I work around the clock no breaks what so ever and my husband is a full time working man who works around 8 or 10 hours out of the day. When he comes home from work he takes a shower then he will eat then he will lay in the couch and get lazy he won’t do anything. Our son would be jumping on the couch because he is so happy that’s daddy is home but my husband gets upset with him from jumping around and such and I say to him he wants your attention he’s trying to bond with you. He would say I’m tired I worked all day I would tell him well I work 24/7 no breaks or sitting I can’t even take a shower by my self without my little one joining me lol 😂 but he doesn’t understand I do everything.

I cook , clean , laundry including folding them all and putting them all away which is my husbands my sons and my cloths plus towels. I’m constantly on the go I’m teaching my son pre schooling activities before he goes to school next year he doesn’t do it with me. I play with my son he badly interacts with our son and it’s heart breaking I don’t know what to do anymore I’ve talked to my husband over and over again like I can’t even remember honestly of how many times I’ve talked to him about this problem. But it’s not getting through to him please tell me there is a way I can get through to him. Please help me I’m tired and run down I need help 😴😭