What y’all think about how school are now arresting parents

I live in California, and the city that I live in are cracking down on truancy students and arresting their parents in the process of preventing high school drop outs and incarceration. But here the thing, high school drop outs are not only cause by missing too many days of school. It can be family hardship, teen pregnancy, gangs and much more.

I get educated is important, but I can learn everything I need to know online or in books. It their way to force parents to force their child to go to school, So they can get paid. Also a major factor for kids missing too much is because of bullying and the school lack of doing anything about it. Heck, I recently came across a video where a girl in fifth grade was jump in her class room and later died. The principal called the mom and told her that her child was in a fight.

But oh, she fine she just complaining of dizziness and an headache. Forcing kids to go to school, this is my opinion. who experience bullying while in school. I believe is the reason of school shootings.

Plus, nowadays jobs don’t care if you have a BA or MA. If you never work in the field. “Hands on experience”then you more likely to get pass up. My sister got her AA degree in accounting.

She’d apply to many positions for an accountant job and now is working at save-mart. And she was working at her school as a student help desk. So I’m just saying going to school getting an degree doesn’t get your dream job.

I thinks it just ridiculous that they have to come down to arresting parents so they won’t have to lose out on money. Fear isn’t a best way to solve anything it just creates more defiance in these kids. School are too damn nosy they want to know why this and how come that. Well its life unexpected shit come up and unless my child isn’t harming another and isn’t disrupting the class then stay out of our personal family business.

So, what your guys opinion on this? Do you think arresting parents, is going too solve the problem of high school dropouts and incarceration? Should there be a better solution?.