Children with little to no support system

beauty is her name • Happily married**🧒🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👶🏽

So my husband and I currently have a 2 year old and will be trying for baby #2 this month. We would like to have more in the future but I'm worried because we don't really have a support system where we live. Both of my parents and sister are deceased and his mother and other family members live all the way in North Carolina(9 hrs from us). I'm not looking to just dump my kids off on people and I am very picky of who I have watch our son, my cousin is the only one who we trust to watch our son. Well, anyway, back to what I was saying. We want more children but I also know we will want breaks from the kids as we get them now just having one. How do you keep your sanity and still make time for each other with little to no, support?