How do I get over him?

I'm 1 month from our due date but my baby can be here any minute.

My partner has said so many hurtful things lately in our arguments that draw me to the belief that hes cheating on me...

He gaslights me constantly. Every time I tell him I'm hurt he calls me childish and crazy. I've been emotionally shocked since the beginning of my pregnancy in my 1st and second trimester I was hospitalized several times on the account I had panic attacks triggered by our arguing.

This was on mothers day. I told him I was hurt that he didnt call or do anything. I constantly go to him. We argued the night previously because he chose to stay at his mother's and build a crib there then spend the night with me and wake up with me on mothers day.

He constantly disappears in our conversation for hours then is "surprised" that I'm upset.

Last night was the breaking point. We dont live together but on the weekends per my families rules hes allowed to spend the night. Every other night since the day we started dating we've called. It makes me feel safer when hes on the phone with me and makes me feel less alone. Prior tonight he started muting me, and turning his phone on silent and our phone calls have been "disconnecting" more frequently.

I got an infusion yesterday which drained me as one of the side effects. I was exhausted starting at 6pm. I told him this. At 9 I told him I needed to go to sleep soon and I kept getting "hold on" at 12 he started saying his wifi wasnt working and at 1230 he said he wasnt going to call not even using his cell number and he was tired and he wasnt going to listen to me bitch and he was going to sleep. I waited til 12 painfully exhausted to be told our calls dont mean anything for him and they do nothing. He blocked me for the night and watched every story I posted until 2 am. I couldnt sleep til 4am because my anxiety was so high.

I'm so inlove with this man it hurts. He use to be so sweet and gentile with me. He use to hold me for hours when I cried instead of say I was acting like a child.

He use to spam my phone and blow me up with phone calls to get my attention and let me know he loved me, instead of finding every excuse in the book as to why he couldnt respond to me.

He walked into this relationship knowing I had anxiety and depression problems. It was so severe that before him I had a chronic condition where I would sleep over 18 hours every day. He got me out of that. Now all I get is I'm a fucking child because I'm tired of waiting on him constantly.

I dont know what to do anymore.


I ended up leaving him yesterday. It's so hard. We tried unsuccessfully for a long time to start our family only for the family to mean nothing to him. I feel used. He told me he wanted a child and I gave him one, he stopped loving me in the process.

I gave him an ultimatum that he can either stop going on social media and start paying attention to his own life and go to therapy with me, or he could pick up his stuff. It took him more than a day to decide if I was worth his time so I chose for him.

He told me that even if he were to try to make me happy he felt I wouldnt appreciate it so no matter what he wasnt going to give me what I wanted and needed out of this relationship.

Were discussing a custody agreement soon before our son is here and I'm going to do my best not to think about all my wasted time with him.