People hate my baby’s name but he’s already born!!

Everyone got all kinds of butt hurt when we wouldn’t announce the name of our baby before he was born. We did this to avoid everyone giving their two cents. Well, apparently people feel that can do that even after the baby is born. We named him Erik (after my late brother) Ragnarsson. We know Ragnarsson is weird, but we wanted to keep up with the Viking theme and to name him after Guthrum Ragnarsson (my husband is all about history from that time period.) We loved the name so much we considered it as a first name but realized we couldn’t do that to him. So we did it as a middle name. Apparently that isn’t good enough. because people act like it’s his first name and that we ruined him for life. They say “how is he going to learn how to spell it?” And “he’s going to get picked on.” Like, yeah, well my brother was named Erik and people called him Erika. Not many people will know his middle name unless he tells them. These are just normal comments but I see how people turn their nose up when they ask his full name. People have not been shy with how much they hate his name. Even people have made remarks about his first name not being spelled with a C. Even after I explain how it’s after my dead older brother they still just kinda go “well it’s still the weird way.” 😔Ugh. I feel so horrible I feel like I should’ve named him something differently. I feel like I already settled by making it his middle name and not his first. But I know that’s better for him in the long run. I just hope he likes his name. It’s such a huge responsibility to name a person.