Feeling invisible to Husband’s family

I’ve felt this for a little while. It’s been more and more noticeable during social events. It’s usually during family gatherings (with all of my husbands family), or outings where the family all just hangs out.

I live far from my own family, so it makes it hard to spend time with them. We do try to plan things out where we can visit each other, which is every few months or so.

But my husband’s family all lives in the area. They are a tight knit family, which is something I admired about his folks.

Something I’ve started to notice is that they are so very loving and supportive and interactive with him. They call, text, talk with him. They take photos with him, talk about how amazing he is (and I agree, he is pretty amazing and I’m happy to have married him).

They don’t seem to feel the same way towards me. During our most recent family event that was celebrating my husband and I, they gravitated around him and he was the focus of the evening.

Maybe it’s because he’s more outgoing, fun, loud and talkative than I am. I’m a lot more on the quiet and soft spoken side.

Or maybe I’m jealous that he has such a huge support system, while I feel that I don’t? I miss my family, and I wish they lived closer so I could spend more time with them.

When it comes to his family gatherings he is definitely the center of attention. But I often fall back and feel invisible, like why am I here if his folks don’t seem to care much about me?

My husband and I got into a little argument about it tonight. I told him I felt like every time we have a family gathering (which has always been with HIS family), they interact with and have fun with him, but they don’t seem to want to be around me. I’ve tried sitting and talking with them, but it doesn’t get very far with them. So when that happens I go away somewhere where nobody else is. I feel like I’m just in the way or too boring....

He told me I’m being too negative and that it’s all a lie that I’ve decided to believe in. He said I need to stop running away and hiding from his family, that they love me and they support me. But if that’s the case, why does it feel like the opposite when I’m around them? They go straight to him to talk and do fun things but if it’s just me there they either get quiet or want to go somewhere else.

Am I being too negative? Am I being unreasonable? Maybe I’m just too quiet and it makes them uncomfortable.....