Need advice


So, i had my son on April 3rd, before him & the pregnancy i had an okay relationship with my mother in law i had no problems with her. But as soon as i got pregnant everything she did or said made me upset or mad at her. Well once i had the baby it got 10x worse, it’s like once i had him a switch turned on & just the sight of her makes my blood boil. I don’t even want her near or touching him. I know she’s not gonna hurt him but it just bothers me seeing her touching him or carrying him. But it only got worse because i heard she was saying things behind my back. The first week home she kept trying to pressure me into bathing him but i was scared & i wasn’t ready to do that. It got to the point where everytime she called my boyfriend she would ask him if i gave him a bath. But i heard from my mom that she called her saying why was i being dirty & not washing him & why wasn’t i showering. By the way it’s not that i didn’t wanna shower but i couldn’t i had no help & i was to afraid to shower & leave him unattended. That’s not all she has made me feel like I’m not a good mother always constantly questioning everything i do. If i feed him 4oz she ask why don’t you give him 6, idk if she doesn’t understand that the baby doesn’t take 6oz yet just giving him 4 is pushing. Now it’s gotten worse, she kinda knows i do not like her, cause it’s hard for me to hide it. Two sundays ago she came to my house with an attitude, i was feeding him & the first thing she said was give him to me, in the rudest way & i said no i will once i am finished which she replied with i can feed him give him to me, i politely told her no once i am done i will give him to you, she laughed like a bitch laugh & left. I have been nothing but nice to her i have kept my composure when all i wanna do is freak out on her, i cannot take it anymore & idk know how to deal with it anymore, i am trying so hard not to be rude because she is his grandma but i am his mother & i feel like i should be respected. Cause she makes their family believe that her son does so much when in reality he does not help me with the baby, he can hear him cry & will ignore it or call me to come pick him up. But she wants his family to believe he does everything & i just sit around & do nothing. I’m so tired of her belittling me. My mom always taught me respect but she is getting me to the point where I’m gonna be disrespectful & i don’t want that. & im terrible at confrontation cause me confronting someone turns me into yelling & telling them the worse thing about them & i don’t want to make it worse cause my boyfriend is really close to her & i know he won’t see where I’m coming from because to him I’m the bitch & his mom is right even when she says & does dumb shit. I’m losing my mind & i need help, & i have to overcome this because i know if i don’t i will walk away from our relationship & fight for full custody & i don’t want my son dealing with that. & the only reason i have my composure with him is because his dad has lung cancer & we don’t know how long he has left. What should i do ?