Confused please help


Ok so this is gonna sound stupid because it is but it’s bothering me. I’m gay, I have already told some people and I accepted it. But now I got this app called “Love Island” I thought I was gonna be able to pick a girl but I have to be a hot girl and play her role throughout the thing and I actually am getting emotionally involved and I want one of the guys that this one bitch is with and I want steal him and send her home!!!!!! So...I really have a thing for this fake guy and I am confused because I thought I am gay but then I am able to play the role of a straight woman and actually get emotionally attached to it.... wtf does that mean? Good actress? Or is the gay thing a phase? Am I straight? I really don’t want to be straight but I always feel so weird around guys I get extra nervous and I have always been obsessed with having a boyfriend but I want to be gay....I mean there are reasons and I am definitely sexually attracted to women and romantically attracted to men although I would obviously have feelings for whoever I’m with I wouldn’t stay with her if I didn’t love her I’m not that type of person.... so am a bisexual? I liked having a label and knowing for sure who I am and now I’m confused! I hate that I have to wait till tomorrow to play the rest of the game! Well regardless of my sexuality I don’t think I could be mentally old enough or stable for a relationship and nobody in their right mind would choose me because I’m like disgusting so I guess it doesn’t really matter but it totally does