Help me

I’m so depressed in my relationship. He is a good guy but I cannot trust him whatsoever. He’s lied to me before and I constantly feel like my trust is getting smaller and smaller.

The good times we have feel so right, our families are bonded together already. We are not in a bad place right now, the relationship is good, but I am not.

Not a day goes by where I don’t have a gut feeling that something is wrong. I do not have the strength or heart to leave him and I know I will be alone if I do. My friends aren’t close to me as much anymore and I cannot find comfort with my family. I need help.

Everybody tells me that if I let go I’ll be fine and that I can just go and make friends, but it’s easier said than done. I love this boy with all my heart, we’ve been together for over a year but I have completely lost myself and find myself crying almost everyday.