Spanking overboard?

Ps I admire people that don’t spank their kids unless it’s necessary. I don’t condemn those who choose to spank either. To their own with parenting styles

I am neutral.

My mom only spanked me if she felt I needed it which she only did it like once or twice when I was growing up

My dad however took spanking too far. He’d spank for anything crying, if he think you’re moving too slow, if he thinks you’re being disrespectful. I have many examples

1. I was in third grade at the time and I was frustrated with my homework and asked for help from my dad and he said no. so I closed my book a little hard because math was really hard for me. Next the I knew he was running out the room so I ran to the bathroom to hide. He forced the door open so I tried running to my room and he tackled me which made me hit my teeth on the corner of the door.

2. Fifth grade he thought I was moving too slow out of bed and spanked me.

I will choose not to spank my kids to avoid anything getting out of control.