Almost fought a 60 year old

I hate my fiance's mom. She was staying with us a little while ago because she was "trying to get clean" and needed a stable place to stay. Well this lady is seriously NUTS. Found out she wasnt clean, so I told her she needed to leave our home. (We have a 7 year old and 4 month old). She literally told the 7 year old that I can go F*** myself and told me I'm a terrible person. I literally tried so hard to stay calm and remove me and the kids from the situation, but she kept going and going. She told me I'm a terrible mother and I'm a lazy woman. (My fiance was hiding in the backyard at this point) Mind you, shes 60 and homeless due to her bad choices and addiction and I work 40 hours a week to provide for my family.

Well, eventually she left and I told her she wasnt welcome back. She sent my fiance aggressive texts but 2 days later, came back to him saying she's so sorry and will eventually apologize to me. Well it's been a few weeks and I haven't gotten an apology, but my fiance wants her to be able to come over.

I don't want her anywhere near my kids or myself because she is seriously crazy. I dont know what to do when/if she apologizes and tries to come back around our home....