Homeschooling schedule... Help!


I am a stay-at-home mother of a 5 and 6 year old, and I am currently homeschooling. I am pregnant with baby number three and I have found that homeschooling has gotten a little more difficult because some days I tend to be all over the place.

Does anyone have a specific schedule that they stick to or some specific tips that could help me? I can't rely on any help from my significant other and I have no other family to watch the kids so I rarely get time alone. I, of course, I'm still powering through because I do want to homeschool my children because the schools are no good in this area and I'm just looking for a way to make sure I have a good schedule that sticks even when the baby arrives in a few months. Please help me!

Side note: I also don't have a lot of money to work with so the options for tutors or private school in other things like that will not work for me...