I’m so stressed out.

Kelly • first time mom 🧸 1.28.19 | baby #2 6/21/2020 premie 6weeks NICU mom | baby #3 due February 2023! 💕

It’s my sons father(my boyfriend)’s first father’s day and we had a pretty big argument.

I made him cry and now I feel like a real POS.

I’m not looking for justification just... need to let this out.

I posted before about his 10 year old pug and how his mother had her for the first 3 months of my sons life and he’s now almost 5 months. She’s been back home since Mother’s Day. His mother could no longer deal with her behavior. We have had a few fights about the dog since she’s come back home (it’s actually the only fucking thing we fight about). We’ve only been together 2 years and that is technically him and his ex girlfriends dog. She is HIS dog. Whom I love very dearly.

She isn’t potty trained anymore and I’m a SAHM so I’m re potty training her with his help when he’s Home (she is brought out EVERY 2 hours to prevent accidents and I bring the baby and the dog for at least a 20-30min walk everyday) and it’s very difficult with my son. I love her enough to make this commitment.

His mom has 2 other dogs and his dog has food aggression problems from her feeding them table food and creating an issue, ( not just in the last time she spent there, she’s always fed them table food when he used to live at home after him and his exes breakup too so this isn’t new) she also uses wee wee pads instead of letting her dogs go outside.

We just talked about all of the behaviors we need to fix with the dog before our son is crawling around. mainly, accidents on the carpet and food aggression. Yesterday.

Today, he went into the kitchen and didn’t remove her from standing directly underneath him (we are keeping her away from the kitchen to crumb around under our feet thinking she may get something. We’ve never fed her table food ever) like we agreed we would. I reminded him and he shrugged it off and said okay. I didn’t like feeling dismissed or like he maybe didn’t understand why I was so intense about it.

I explained how it made me uneasy with our son in his bouncy chair in the kitchen and her near him looking for food. She could think he’s getting something and attack the way she did to his mothers dog when they were preparing food or bringing in groceries. She went for the jugular. I don’t need to explain any further.

He said I was bullying him and badgering him, He understood and now I was harping and nagging. he said I was cruel for insinuation upon him not caring about our child’s wellbeing. He also said the dog would never do something like that to our son. His opinion means nothing to me on that. she’s a dog. With food aggression.

I may have gone a little over the top and said he didn’t care and had a blind spot for the dog.

I really don’t want the carpet covered in pee or cleaning chemicals for my son to play around in. I got baby friendly carpet cleaner and do my part to let her out every 2 hours and to clean it immediately when she has an accident. To be fair, so does he when he is home.

I do not want the dog begging for food or thinking our son is crawling in the kitchen for food and get upset and attack him.

He is going to be crawling and curious soon, it scares me.

I hated how much I felt shrugged off. I apologized and explained myself and he understood but he said I was being abusive and cruel and now I just feel like I’m a horrible asshole. I ruined Father’s Day because I felt the safety of our child wasnt being taken seriously.

This is why moms are called nags and crazy, it’s because nobody listens to us until shit gets bad. I want to be ahead of this behavior as much as possible and keep them safe as much as possible.. I need him on the same page.. 😔

I don’t want to be a bitch but I see RED when it comes to his safety not being taken seriously.