Baby HATES baby food!


Hi all, my 6 month old daughter has been EBF since birth. We got the go ahead at her 6mo check up last week to start solids. I started out mashing up an avocado and mixing some of my breast milk in. She HATED it. She gagged every time we tried it to the point she almost puked. She rammed her head into the back of the high chair to escape the spoon. Eventually she started crying so I stopped. I tried to mix in a banana, and no change. So I decided to wait a few days and try again. A few days ago I bought some store bought purees and tried those. Same results. I know baby has to get used to the taste/texture etc. but it’s like she cannot stand it. I tried giving her a pouch this morning and she gagged before I ever put it in her mouth. However, she has had slices of avacado and enjoyed that. I’ve also let her gum a green bean (which she enjoyed) and have a few bites of my sweet potato. I wanted to try baby led weaning from the beginning, I even bought books on it, then chickened out. Do you all have any suggestions on how I should get her to eat? Do I just keep trying purees? Or should I try baby led weaning instead? Or a mix of these two? I just feel lost.