Alcohol is what’s keeping me alive...

As awful as that sounds I’m staying anonymous. I have a 2 year old, 1 year old, and 5month old. I just separated from the military and I’m staying home alone with all 3 kids. The older two are driving me insane !!!! EVERY SINGLE DAY. Maybe ONE day a week goes by where I say today wasn’t so bad. I’m so sad and overwhelmed and I try my hardest and best but I can’t do this anymore. I need help so bad and there’s no options. I am seeing a psychiatrist next month to get on medication but a month is so far away !!!! I need help !!!! I lash out at my babies verbally and burst into tears every single day !! None of this is healthy I just don’t know what to do😰😰😰 husband works full time but we can’t afford daycare even part time. It’s 6pm and I use alcohol to calm me but in reality I should start drinking at 9am everyday...

Before anyone judges please know I need serious help...

UPDATE: since I want to stay anonymous

I just started seeing a counselor which is every two weeks but even making that appointment is such an inconvenience. Now that I’m not in the military and am back home with family I do have my parents and my husbands parents but they all work full time so they really only can help once a week. Which is better than nothing I know but I am struggling😪

UPDATE: I am a very outspoken person so I say how I feel to EVERYONE yet no one takes me seriously !!😪😪😪it’s so frustrating ! My best friend who doesn’t live near me says my family doesn’t take me seriously cuz even tho I complain and say I’m struggling I still get the job done ! I still care for my kids and do what I need to do so they prob think that everything is okay when it’s not !!😰😰😰

And on top of it all, telling everyone how I feel gives them no sympathy for me it’s more like “oh shut up you act like you’re the only person who’s had 3 kids under 3 to take care of, grow up! I don’t want to hear your sorry ass excuse! You did this to yourself, now do what you gotta do!!”

Andddd as I’m updating this I’m in the bathroom in tears and to hear my dad ask where I am and my mom say with a snicker “hiding in the bathroom not taking care of her babies” it really infuriates me🥵🥵🥵