Am I a bad mom??


I have a 2 year old toddler and I'm currently 8 months pregnant with baby #2. I have been so tired lately and can barely get anything done, key alone chase after a toddler. He's in his terrible 2's and is in just EVERYTHING. I feel like I'm failing because he just won't listen and all I do is scream. I count down the hours until my s.o comes home and helps take over. I feel so peaceful when he finally goes down for a nap. I love my son more than anything, but I've been feeling so underwhelmed. With the baby so close to arriving and just the thought I'm going to have two to be responsible for is enough to make me cry. I love being a mom. It just gets so hard when it's all that you do, every single day. I don't have any friends, so I don't go out to blow off steam or talk to adults. My life is 98% in my house, with my toddler and sometimes I feel I may lose my mind. I feel as moms we're not supposed to complain, but just shut and deal with it.