When to test for accuracy

I am 6 weeks PP as of Monday and my husband and I have had sex a couple times, the first time being just over 2 weeks ago the first time started with no condom but finished with one, the second time we used a condom and the most recent time we used no condom. Both times with a condom he finished inside, the most recent time he pulled out, TMI I'm sorry 😅. How long after sex should I test and be able to get an accurate answer, paranoid because of new laws in our area and needing to know ASAP. Thank you for any answers and hopefully no judgement, we don't mind if I get pregnant again but we still need to know ASAP as our housing situation will need to change if we truly do proceed with any additional pregnancy, which we would want to but will have severe backlash and judgment from family on so we would need to prepare.

Screenshot of the days we had sex