I need advice...


I don’t know what to do about my marriage. My husband constantly puts me down. He always says how lazy I am and finds negative things in everything. He continues to watch pornography which is not right to me. He makes me feel completely worthless. I have two young boys with him. We have a 20 mon. old and a 7 mon. old. I basically take care of the boys. Example when he watches them is if the boys have been fed and changed and are still fussy he puts them down for a nap so he doesn’t have to deal with it. Usually every time I ask him to change their diaper he says I will play you rock paper scissors to see who changes them. I work a full time job myself and do all the house work. He has a second business with Airsoft products and uses the basement for his projects. His basement is a complete disaster. I’m talking gross and disgusting. I went to clean it up and now it is getting back to what it has been before. He keeps making new products to sell and we have a couple patents on some of them. We are so financially stressed as it is and he wants to get another patent. So you know the ones he has patents on now are not selling how he was expecting them to. He always thinks the next thing he makes is going to be the key to us getting out of debt. I just don’t know what to do because I don’t want a divorce but I don’t want to live like this forever. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you!