Hsv2 question ?

Sierra • 21😊, had my rainbow baby (omphalocele warrior 👼🏼💙,early misscarriage on May 28th , 2020 🥺

Okay so about a year ago I had sex and had bv while having sex so ofc I’m sure it made it worse but anyway like 2 weeks later I got sores down there they started out as what looked like tiny little fissures and then would turn into perfectly round circles so I went and got a swab done and they said I had hsv2 ,well I talked to my sex partner and they had blood work done and other things done and they were clean so I went and got tested again this time blood work and it came back negative for both this was after the fact I was on the medicine for a month and a half . Now today it’s been almost a year no problems AT ALL and I get two tiny little fissures down there again and got i yeh doctor again and she doesn’t know if it can be bv or hsv2 what the heck do I do ? How do I trust a doctor when one tells me one thing and another tells me something else ? 😂